Puppies are just like human babies and they have no idea what is safe and what is not safe.
1. Electrical Dangers |
Normally, one of the first things we might do when expecting a baby is put those plastic electical plug protectors inside all our unused electrical sockets. Puppies, however, have been known to be more attracted to electrical outlets with these protectors in them versus the electrical outlet being left open and unused. The biggest electrical threat to puppies is cords being within their reach. Even if an item is plugged in, but not turned on the electrical shock your puppy could receive if it manages to bite through a cord could kill or severely harm your puppy. Make sure all cords are out of reach from your puppy at all times. |
2. Furniture Danger |
Never leave a puppy on a couch, bed or piece of furniture that your puppy is unable to jump up on himself. If your puppy can jump up on the furniture on their own they are strong enough to jump off on their own. Toy breeds especially are prone to injuries more than larger breeds when it comes to jumping up and down off things. I highly recommend a doggy ramp or doggy stairs for furniture items like a human bed or a couch if your dog is going to be allowed to use these pieces of furniture for lounging on regularly. The wear and tear it can save on your dog’s leg muscles and joints can be well worth the effort once they reach their geriactric years. The time is now to begin teaching your puppy he must ask before getting on ANYTHING except his bed. |
3. Dangers in types of flooring in your home |
Many homes today have hard wood floors, tile, vinyl, or even stained concrete flooring. As does ours. Carpet isn’t as durable over time as these other types of flooring. There is not 1 stitch of carpet in our home. As your puppy matures the hair between their pads will grow quickly and you will need to keep up with a regular clipping schedule to keep your puppy from having difficulty obtaining a good footing with each step they take. I also highly recommend adding rugs that are washable in your washing machine throughout the common areas your puppy will walk through. This will help give them better footing. Bad footing over a prolonged period of time, especially during the growing period for a puppy could have a huge impact on their structural development and cause slipped patellaes which is a commong disorder in toy breeds.. Also try to limit running and playing in your home if you do have flooring that is more slippery for a puppy. The best surface a puppy can run and play on is a enclosed yard with grass. The more a puppy runs and stops abruptly in a house to avoid furniture the more they wear out their little bodies. Outside running where they can run and slow down before stopping is much safer on them structurally. Puppies also tend to dive and roll and the grass is a much safer location for them to do this on. |
4. Lanscape Dangers in your yard |
Please do plenty of research about plants and flowers that are toxic to dogs. Indoor or Out. Talk to your local nursery about safe non toxic landscaping. If you have bark or other ground cover in your flower beds or in your yard where your puppy has access to it they are going to try and eat it and it could be toxic. Even if you have a type of bark that is not toxic they will want to chew on it and could likely ingest enough to make them sick. |
Though we are extremely cautious of all the dangers & toxins around our Cavaliers, they are exposed to many different shapes, sizes and species of animals. — In a safe, supervised, environment of course. We own and care for 5 Black Angus Heifers, 14 Hens, 1 14 year old Quarter Horse, 3 outdoor barn cats and a host of “wild ones” — Deer, Raccoon, Turkey, Many different types of Birds and Wild Hogs, to name a few.

Our sweet “barn kitty” Tom – He was so little!

New Calf at Fourpines

A few of our young hens visiting in the “Cavaliers Yard”

Our oldest daughter with Sophia riding Lonesome

Its such a blessing to watch the animals interact.